3 Quick And Healthy Snacks

Written by Dr. Sapumal Edirisinghe

Bachelor of Medicine / Surgery (MBBS)

November 23, 2020


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Small Meals Throughout The Day

There are clear benefits of eating small meals frequently rather than eating two or three large meals per day. It’s even more beneficial than skipping meals. Studies show that eating six or more small meals throughout the day can lower your chances of getting cardiovascular diseases and obesity. One study shows that people who eat small frequent meals have low levels of LDL cholesterol in their blood. This all depends on the effect of insulin. Insulin is the hormone responsible for cholesterol synthesis in our body. It controls the main regulatory pathway of cholesterol production which is activating HMGCoA reductase enzyme. Because of the higher meal frequency, the insulin production became less. Therefore cholesterol biosynthesis reduces.

Another effect is reduced insulin promotes cholesterol removal or reverse cholesterol transport from the body. This is very important in the postprandial period after eating a fatty meal. Practicing eating small frequent meals promotes weight reduction and a low BMI at the same time, which increases muscle building. Fasting or skipping meals is harmful to the body because it can promote inflammatory mechanisms in the body which is the main factor for most of the non communicable diseases like diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular events.

Skipping meals can also negatively affect the gut microbiome, which can ultimately cause intestinal problems. Compared to that, frequent small meals are healthy to the gut microbiome’s growth and function. But it would be better to have a proper understanding about your macro nutrient intake unless you may get nutritional deficiencies. Therefore you need to plan your meals properly.

3 Quick and Healthy Snack Recipes

          1.) Roasted Chickpeas

Never say no to this classic and tasty snack! It is easy to cook and much healthier to eat. You only need a pre heated can of dry chickpeas, chili powder, sea salt, and maple syrup (optional). Baking makes it crunchy and more tasty!

          2.) Avocado Toast

Avocado can be considered the world’s best health snack. It’s more valuable when it’s placed on a slice of whole grain bread. This snack has a great nutritional value compared to most others.

          3.) Homemade Granola Bars

Granola bars made from oats, walnuts, natural honey and almond butter are packed full of nutrients. They are healthy and easy to make, and one of the best snacks you can use in frequent small meals.



1.) Antonio Paoli,Grant Tinsley, Antonino Bianco, and Tatiana Moro. (2019).The Influence of Meal Frequency and Timing on Health in Humans: The Role of Fasting. ( https://dx.doi.org/10.3390%2Fnu11040719 )

2.) Oneingredientchef.com. Andrew Olson. (2020). 21 Healthy snack recipes. (https://www.oneingredientchef.com/healthy-snack-ideas/)

3.) Kaylaitsines.com(2016). Homemade granola bar recipe. (https://www.kaylaitsines.com/blogs/recipes/102205638-homemade-granola-bar-recipe)

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Written by Dr. Sapumal Edirisinghe

Bachelor of Medicine / Surgery (MBBS)

November 24, 2020