The Stages of a Health Detox

Written by Dr. Muhammad Raza Zaidi

International Medicine Department

August 27, 2020


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How Beneficial is a Health Detox?

A health detox can be beneficial for recuperation. The human body is continuously fighting with the toxic components and maintaining the homeostasis or equilibrium to make you feel healthier (Michaels, 2016). Too many poisonous substances like high calorie foods and alcohol can be burdening on the body. Although a health detox isn’t always easy, the final product of a healthier brain and body can make it worthwhile.

There Are 3 Main Stages of a Health Detox:


          1.) Production of water-soluble components:

Fat-soluble toxins are converted into intermediate, less fat-soluble substances that are more reactive than previous compounds. Antioxidant nutrients of the body neutralize the free radicals produced by Phase I enzymes.

          2.) Neutralization of water-soluble intermediate compounds:

The conversion of reactive intermediated produced in the Phase I reactions takes place. Phase II reactions combine the reactive toxic-water soluble compounds to the non-toxic-water-soluble compounds to make their excretion easy.

          3.) Excretion of Neutralized/Conjugated Compounds:

Conjugated Phase II compounds are released into bile for excretion. Dietary fiber attaches to biliary and intestinal substances and helps in excretion.


10 Reasons Why a Health Detox is Essential:

1.) To improve health and maintain the body’s equilibrium.

2.) To make a proper body function.

3.) To gain the best results at the organ level and system level.

4.) To reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases and reduce inflammation.

5.) To increase the life of your joints.

6.) To make you feel more active by boosting energy.

7.) To make your body physiologically fit and active.

8.) To help in weight reduction.

9.) To improve your digestion

10.) To improve skin health


1.) (ATSDR), A. f. (2012). Toxicological Profile for Chromium. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Division of Health Education and Promotion.
2.) Michaels, I. (2016). Unplugging: A Phenomenological Study of the Perceived Holistic Health Benefits from Regular Digital Detox in the Context of Jewish Shabbat. Retrieved from Sophia, the St. Catherine University repository website: https://sophia.stkate.edu/ma_hhs/10
3.) S, M. (2011). Suitability of Active Fire Protection and Employee Knowledge about Active Fire Protection Equipment. PT. PLN (Persero) Sultanbatara Area Unit Tello PLTD Makassar.
4.) SN., F. (2009). Kinetics of Chrome Deposition from Skin Tanning Liquid Waste with Caustic Soda (NaOH). Yogyakarta: Chemical Engineering of Gadjah Mada University.

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Written by Dr. Rao Adeel

Doctor of Medicine (MD)

August 27, 2020