Health Benefits of Winter Squash

Written by Dr. Bal Krishna Subedi

Orthopedic Surgeon (MS)

January 26, 2021


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Squashes aren’t just for table decorations and Halloween lanterns! Squashes, in fact, are much better on our plates! The other varieties of squashes, other than carnival pumpkins, that we might be less familiar with, include butternut, spaghetti, kabocha, acorn, sweet dumpling, and sugar pumpkins.

These fleshy fruits are as good for our health as they are for our tastebuds. Here are some amazing health benefits of squashes:

          1.) High Nutritional Value

Squashes are rich in carotenoids, especially B-carotene, which is a precursor to Vitamin A. Deficiency of Vitamin A causes night blindness and weak immune system. Besides these, most squashes are rich in proteins, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, fibers, magnesium and potassium.

          2.) Low in Calories

Squashes are high in fibers and low in calories which makes it a good choice for diabetes patients. The fibers present in squashes impart it a low glycemic, which means that it prevents a post-prandial (after-meal) rise in blood sugar.

          3.) Improves Heart Health

As they are rich in potassium, squashes help keep blood pressure in check. Potassium helps to counteract the harmful effects of excess sodium in the body, the most important one being excess blood pressure. This makes squash an ideal food for hypertensive patients.

          4.) Help Fight Inflammation

Squashes are a must for every patient who I suffer from inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. They are rich in antioxidants like Vitamin A and Vitamin C, and they can alleviate the hazards posed by inflammatory conditions in the body.

          5.) Anti-Cancer Benefits

Squashes are found to be rich in flavonoids like carotene and lutein. Flavonoids are believed to have inhibitory actions on cancer cells. Thus, incorporating a good size of squash may help ward off cancer.

          6.) Excellent Hydrator

Squashes are fleshy for a reason. They have a very high percentage of water which makes them good hydrators. These delicious fruits are juicy and make refreshing meals.

Here is a quick and easy Butternut Squash recipe to try at home! This meal looks great, tastes great, and has tons of health benefits. It is a vegan recipe, and makes for a good part of a fitness diet. And best of all, you only need a few main ingredients for this recipe. To make this dish, make sure you have these five ingredients ready:  Butternut squash, Olive oil, Salt, Pepper, and Water.

          Step 1:

Preheat the oven to 400 F.

          Step 2:

Cut the squash in half, scoop out the seeds, and then cut into bite-size slices.

          Step 3:

Add salt and pepper. You can also add other spices like olives and rosemary if you would like.

          Step 4:

Coat everything will olive oil and spread it thoroughly.

          Step 5:

Transfer these contents to a baking dish and add a little bit of water. Make sure that you don’t add a lot of water.

          Step 6:

Start baking. Bake for about 35 mins. Add water in between if necessary. Make sure you don’t add a lot of water or else the squash won’t caramelize.

          Step 7:

Broil for a few minutes to get that nice golden-brown touch.

          Step 8:

Add a little bit of roasted almonds and cashew nuts to garnish and add a little bit of extra flavor and nutrition.

          Step 9:

Serve this easy delicious dish. It would make a great starter for two people.

          Step 10:

Enjoy this fast, healthy, and delicious recipe!



1.) https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/food-features/winter-squash/

2.) https://www.consumerreports.org/healthy-eating/health-benefits-of-winter-squash/

3.) https://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/butternut-squash-health-benefits#2

4.) http://7daydetoxplan.bestweightlossdiet.net/the-health-benefits-of-winter-squash/halohealthcoach/

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Written by Dr. Hamad Shafqat

Medical Officer (MO)

January 26, 2021