Healthy Smoothie Recipes

Written by Dr. Callista Chinenye Emecheta

Medical Doctor (MD

May 3, 2021


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Smoothies are healthy whole beverages made from assorted combinations of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and herbs blended together to suit one’s tastes. [1]

The ingredients used for the preparation of smoothies are mostly rich in antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients that are beneficial to human health. [2]

When consumed in adequate quantities, their unique nutritional composition can help reduce the risk of degenerative diseases such as arthritis, cancers, obesity, and other chronic diseases due to the ingredients’ anti-inflammatory properties. [3]

According to the World Health Organisation, adults should eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day (excluding starchy vegetables). Therefore, consuming smoothies daily provides a quick and effective means to achieve these recommended allowances. [4]

One interesting fact about smoothies is that when their ingredients are properly selected and quantified, they can replace a meal and keep one energized and satisfied the whole day. [5]

Below are some quantified healthy smoothie recipes that can serve as an all-natural alternative for a meal. Enjoy!

1.) Magic Squeeze Apple Fruit Smoothie


• 1 green apple
• 2 medium-sized banana
• 1 medium-sized beetroot
• ½ cup of raw cauliflower
• ¼ cup of yogurt
• ½ cup of almond


• Pour all the ingredients into a blender and mix. Add some ice until you achieve the desired consistency and serve.

2.) Secret Grape Fruit Smoothie


• 1 cup of grape
• 1 cup of sliced pineapple
• 1 medium-sized cucumber
• 1 medium avocado pear
• 1 cup of dairy milk
• ½ teaspoon of ground ginger


• Pour all the ingredients into a blender and mix. Serve chilled.

3.) Mango Tropical Fruit Smoothie


• 2 mangoes
• 1 peach
• ½ cup of spinach
• 1 cup of coconut milk
• 1 tablespoon of peanut butter
• ½ teaspoon of ground nutmeg


• Pour all the ingredients into a blender and mix. Add some ice until you achieve the desired consistency and then serve.

4.) Chocolate Field Smoothie


• 1 cup of cocoa powder
• ½ cup of raw kale
• 3 sticks of carrots
• 1 medium-sized banana
• 1 cup of soy milk
• ½ cup of walnuts


• Pour all the ingredients into a blender and mix. Serve chilled.



1.) ‘Are smoothies good for you’? Retrieved online on 28-04-2021 from https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/are-smoothies-good-for-you

2.) ‘Functional Food with Some Health Benefits, So Called Superfood: A Review’. Retrieved online on 28-04-2021 from https://doi.org/10.2174/1573401316999200717171048

3.) Pem, D. and Jeewon, R., (2015). Fruit and Vegetable Intake: Benefits and Progress of Nutrition Education Interventions- Narrative Review Article. PubMed (nih.gov). 44(10):1309-21. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26576343/

4.) ‘Healthy foods’. Retrieved online on 28-04-2021 from Healthy diet (who.int)

5.) ‘How to make a healthy and delicious smoothie’. Retrieved on 28-04-2021 from https://www.google.com/amp/s/health.clevelandclinic.org/how-to-make-healthy-and-delicious-smoothies/amp/

6.) ‘10 Meal Replacement Smoothies Recipes’. Retrieved on 28-04-2021 from 10 Meal Replacement Smoothies Recipes (selfup.com)

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