Omega 3s For Heart Health

Written by Dr. Wasif Yasin

 General Medical Practitioner

January 26, 2021


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If you are worried about your heart’s health and proper functioning, it may be time for you to include Omega 3s in your diet.

It has become rather common knowledge that Omega 3s can help reduce the chances for your exposure to heart problems. However, it is interesting to gain further information about Omega 3s and how they reduce the risk of a heart attack in a person.

What is Omega 3s?

Omega 3s are a form of unsaturated fatty acids that help reduce inflammation from all over the body. Inflammation existing in the body carries the potential to damage the person’s blood vessels and cause heart strokes or diseases.

Omega 3s combat all the anti-inflammatory viruses or bacteria existing in the human body (Cuenoud et al., 2020). The United States Food and Drug Administration recommends fish to their patients as a part of their healthy diet. The reason for recommending fish in the diet is that there is a high amount of Omega 3s existing in fish, which is suitable for individuals looking to avoid heart risks (Gutstein & Copple, 2017).

There are various manners by which Omega 3s directly reduces the heart risk for a person. For example, it decreases the level of triglycerides in the body, lowers blood pressure, reduces clotting in the blood, and helps with irregular breaks in heart operations.

Can Omega 3s Help in Reducing Health Risks?

About 50-70% of individuals experiencing cardiovascular issues tend to experience arthritis issues as well. Omega 3s can also help in preventing arthritis. Omega 3s tend to combat effectively with the molecules or substances related to inflammation, and due to the same reason, they can reduce the inflammation in the joints of a person, improving their level of mobilization.

It is imperative to mention that Omega 3s are most commonly found in 100% pure marine fish oil. Various drug companies incorporate 100% standardized marine fish oil extracts to use Omega 3s for patients suffering from heart risk and joint pains (Cuenoud et al., 2020).

Overall, if you are looking to reduce cardiovascular and full-body inflammation issues for yourself, you must regularly integrate Omega 3s into your diet.

Interested in trying the health benefits of Omega 3s for yourself? Advanced High Absorption Curcumin Boswellia Complex for Arthritis Pain is BioWOW’s premier Omega 369 supplement and is designed to deliver all the benefits you just read about.

At BioWOW, our mission is to help people live healthier & happier lives by creating industry-leading all-natural products and cutting-edge health content. Visit our online store for a complete list of our 100% standardized all-natural medically researched supplements for boosting your health.



1.) Cuenoud, B., Rochat, I., Gosoniu, M. L., Dupuis, L., Berk, E., Jaudszus, A., … Cruz-Hernandez, C. (2020). Monoacylglycerol Form of Omega-3s Improves Its Bioavailability in Humans Compared to Other Forms. Nutrients12(4), 1014. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu12041014

2.) Gutstein, A. S., & Copple, T. (2017). Cardiovascular disease and omega-3s: Prescription products and fish oil dietary supplements are not the same. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners29(12), 791–801. https://doi.org/10.1002/2327-6924.12535

3.) Hoang, T., & Kim, J. (2020). Comparative Effect of Statins and Omega-3 Supplementation on Cardiovascular Events: Meta-Analysis and Network Meta-Analysis of 63 Randomized Controlled Trials Including 264,516 Participants. Nutrients12(8), 2218. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu12082218

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January 26, 2021