Tips For Better Grocery Shopping

Written by Dr. Callista Chinenye Emecheta

Medical Doctor (MD)

March 25, 2021


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If there is one task that nearly if not all adults are bound to undertake on a regular basis, it is shopping for groceries. Whether we like it or not, grocery shopping is a task we need to carry out every now and then in order to survive.

More importantly, how well we are able to maintain good nutrition largely depends on our ability to make smart choices in the grocery store. It can be a challenge to make healthy meals without having the right ingredients in the kitchen.

Shopping for groceries can sometimes be a difficult thing. There are often many labels on the shelf to pick from, sometimes with 5 or more different brands of a particular product you need. Then, of course, there are the other items that aren’t the healthiest, but you like very much. You are constantly being pulled on all sides by your wants and your needs. On top of that, grocery shopping is often time constraining and forces you to stay conscious of your finances throughout the whole grocery shopping trip.

In all of this seeming confusion, keeping in mind that the food market is geared towards enticing you to spend more on their products, your primary goal should be eating healthy and staying healthy. Pro Tip: Keep this article in mind the next time you make your way around the grocery shop.

Here are some simple but very important things to look out for when grocery shopping:

          1.) Never Miss the Vegetable Section

Go for the greens, yellows, and reds. Vegetables and fruits are very rich in vitamins and minerals and this is reflected in their colors. Stock up on these items! The fresher they are, the healthier they will be for your body. Diets rich in fruits vegetables have several benefits including the management of high blood pressure, lowering the risk of heart disease, as well as lowering the risk of certain types of cancer.

          2.) Go ALL-Natural

When buying prepackaged food products such as juice, oils, and seasonings, it is best to go for products with as many natural ingredients in them as possible. These manufacturers are duty-bound to tell you the number of natural ingredients used in their products, so always ensure to read food packages for details. Organic products might be more expensive than regular products, but the health benefits are definitely worth the money if you can afford them.

          3.) How to choose your protein source

When purchasing meat, preferably go for lean cuts and skinless poultry. Fish is also good as it can be a rich source of vitamins, iodine, and omega 3 fatty acids. As recommended by the American Heart Association, you should have ideally two fish servings weekly. Dairy foods are also good sources of protein, while also providing you with much-needed calcium and vitamin D.

           4.) Go for Whole grains

For your cereals, bread, and pasta, whole grain sources are healthier options. These are rich in fiber and several studies have shown that fiber-rich diets may help to reduce markers of inflammation by reducing body weight. When making a choice of whole-grain cereals, you should ideally aim for no less than 4 grams of fiber per serving.

According to the Arthritis Foundation, this is especially true for people who have rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, and heart disease.

           5.) Always read the labels

When confused about which product to pick, read the fine details. It will help you make smart choices about which brand is healthier for your lifestyle.

Generally speaking, go for all-natural fresh food sources that are currently in season. This way, you can get your fruits and vegetables at cheaper prices and store them up by canning or freezing them for future use.


The Bottom Line

Be more partial to 100% standardized extracts and avoid foods with artificial ingredients in them. Healthy grocery shopping may appear to be an uphill battle, but with a few of these tips in mind, it can be a lot more achievable!


1.) https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/vegetables-and-fruits/

2.) https://www.arthritis.org/health-wellness/healthy-living/nutrition/anti-inflammatory/increasing-fiber

3.) https://www.heart.org/en/news/2018/05/25/eating-fish-twice-a-week-reduces-heart-stroke-risk

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