
Yoga Poses That Wake You Up

Written by Dr. Wasif Yasin

General Medical Practitioner

May 4, 2021


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If you snooze your alarm about a million times before getting up, you’re not alone. It can be very hectic when starting your day when you have a busy life routine. So, invigorate yourself for the long and hectic day by trying a sequence of yoga poses and exercises.

It takes only about 15 minutes to practice this series of yoga poses in the morning. In no time, you may start realizing that developing a consistent yoga practice is just as important as your morning coffee! In this article, we have put together some best yoga poses that you can practice in the morning to keep you active throughout the day.

Yoga Poses to Practice in the Morning:


          1.) Cat-Cow Pose:

This pose can help you wake up your mind and body because this pose combines breath. Stretch your torso, neck, and back after a stiff night’s sleep.

Place your knees under your hips and hands under your shoulders. Gaze up and inhale with an arched spine by lifting your chest and tailbone. On exhalation, round your spine and back upward like an angry cat, dropping your chin. Redo this exercise 10 times. (1)

          2.) Child’s Pose:

This pose not only wakes you up but also improves your digestion. Kneel on your bed, stretch your arms, and spread your knees wide open. Think of all the tasks you have to do all day by taking a few breaths. (2)

          3.) Dancer Pose:

In the morning, you may need a cup of coffee to open up. However, you may feel more open, happy, and light with this dancer pose. Stand up and bend your left knee by putting all the weight on your right leg. Take your left hand and grab your left ankle. Now, lift your left leg and press the ankle with your hand. Stretch your arm upward and take deep breaths.

          4.) Bow Pose:

Boost your metabolism and energy with a bow pose. You can also strengthen your back muscles with this pose. Lie on the floor with your palms facing up. Bend your knees and take your hands to grab your ankles. You have to grab ankles, not knees. Pull your chest off the floor by lifting your heels with your legs apart. Don’t forget to keep your shoulder blades down. Hold this position for 40 to 45 seconds and repeat two more times. (3)



1.) YogaFit – 5 Yoga Poses to Wake You Up [Internet]. [cited 2021 Apr 25]. Available from: https://yogafitstudios.com/blog/5-yoga-poses-to-wake-you-up/

2.) Morning Yoga Can Wake You up for the New Day [Internet]. Verywell Fit. [cited 2021 Apr 25]. Available from: https://www.verywellfit.com/morning-yoga-lying-on-your-back-3567175

3.) These Yoga Poses Will Wake You Up Better Than Your Alarm Clock [Internet]. Shape. [cited 2021 Apr 25]. Available from: https://www.shape.com/fitness/workouts/10-yoga-poses-increase-metabolism

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Written by Akeel Salahudeen

Final Year Medical Student

May 4, 2021